Collagen is a fibrillary protein formed by our own body, and it is found in the middle layer of the skin (dermis). Its function is to maintain the tissues’ flexibility, elasticity and resistance. Over time, this collagen is gradually lost, making our skin less flexible and resistant. This leads to wrinkles, folds, texture changes…
A collagen biostimulator is a product that, when injected into the dermis, is able to stimulate fibroblasts (the cells that produce this collagen), restoring the skin’s characteristics lost due to this protein’s gradual disappearance.
Given their safety and effectiveness, at Clínica Iradia we use products that are recommended worldwide: Radiesse and Ellanse.
These substances are biocompatible and bioabsorbable, that is, they are absorbed without harming the body. The result is a natural appearance. This procedure softens the signs of ageing and treats the skin’s flaccidity.
The product is usually injected in vectors, creating tension lines that produce a lifting effect, thus raising the face. Just filling wrinkles, folds or creases will not solve the underlying problem, which is the displacement of the fat compartments. The aim of the treatment is to restore the original position of each fat compartment, conducting a lateral and vertical lift in its three dimensions.
Following the injection, we obtain an immediate volumisation effect. However, after three to four months, this effect disappears and the formed collagen mesh remains, creating the desired lift effect. This treatment is indicated for patients who do not want added volume in the face.
It is a painless treatment. It is carried out in consultation. The treatment takes 30 min and is conducted with a needle and microcannula. The collagen formed in the application area lasts approximately 15-18 months.
Price: Ask Clínica Iradia for a quote.
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